Picture of me

Picture of me

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Picture Editing Collage

Pic Monkey, Fotor, Pixlr, BeFunky, GetPaint, FotoFlexer, are some of the many websites you can use on the web to edit your favorite photos. I think all of the ones I just chose for my edits are good to use and I recommend all of them. Pic Monkey was my favorite because the edits were really easy to choose and put on all my pictures. GetPaint was my least favorite because it was pretty confusing to find everything.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Zooburst is a great website to use to create little children's stories. It's easy, fun, and simple to use if you are needing to make a story wrote for a little kid. I really recommend it for parents, or anyone who wants to make a little kid story and if you need to make a fast, quick one.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Animoto is a great website to use to create a simple video. You can add pictures, text, music, and even other videos all in one video! I think its great to use in business presentations or other things you may need to make a video for. I really recommend it if you are looking for a free, no cost, video maker.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Survey Essay

Teens and Technology
After analyzing my results from my survey, I saw some very interesting responses. Teens and Technology in my opinion is a very important topic and is becoming a way bigger part of people’s lives than it should be. You probably just see it in everyday life, teenagers always being on their cell phone rather than having a conversation with someone. Even if they are with their buddies, sometimes you see them on electronics. I’m not saying don’t use electronics at all, because I use them quite often as well, but we need to limit ourselves with these devices and balance it with other activities in our daily life. Here are some interesting things I found in my survey.

Ten out of my twelve responses said that the electronic they use the most is their cell phone. That doesn't surprise me but it’s a great example that we love our cell phones. Also, 6 people said that they spend 2-4 hours per day on electronics. In my opinion like I said, that’s not surprise, but I think we should limit ourselves maybe to 1-2 hours a day. In my survey, almost every person said they balance it out pretty well with other things going on which is great. 11 out of 12 respondents said they know someone that uses their electronics exceedingly. Overall in conclusion, some people use their electronics appropriately and some don’t, I hope that we can all strive to use them appropriately.