Picture of me

Picture of me

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stat World

StatWorld is a statistics website where you can pick a global topic and make a ranking out of specific countries you choose. I learned some interesting things about countries around the world. I did the highest point of elevation, and I did not know that the United States is one of the highest elevated countries. Stat World is a very interesting, easy to use website the I recommend.


Bomomo is a website we used to create a paint picture just creatively. I really liked it because the tools were really cool to use and you can create some really cool paintings. If you like painting random pictures, I would definitely recommend it. It;s not hard to use, and Bomomo makes it really fun!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Piktochart Infographics

Piktochart or Piktogram is a great website for creating Infographics. An Infographic is information in a picture. We made them about our global issues topic, and it was a really easy way to make them. The only thing i didn't like was embedding it to our blog, we couldn't do that. So we saved it as a picture and then posted it on our blogs.

Friday, April 25, 2014


I've learned some great things while taking this class. I've learned how to use some websites that I was unfamiliar with and that those websites are very useful for important things whether it's an assignment, your job, or anything else. I learned how to embed certain projects or assignments to my blog or any other website you use. I also learned how to use Photoshop and some cool tricks and tips for it. Another thing I wish I could learn is some of the other Microsoft tools.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Pixton is a comic website to create comics. We used this website to create a neat comic with a minimum of 9 panels. I liked this website, it was easy to use and good for creating your comic whether you are a beginner or have experience. I did not like the complication of signing up and embedding, but overall it was fun to make a comic.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Voki is a website to create Cartoon characters with. I enjoyed making a character and changing the features. You can change the background, you can give your character a voice, and change the color of your character. I really recommend it because it's a very fun website.


Tagxedo is basically another website similar to wordle. It's like a brainstorming cloud that you put words into for an overall topic. For example my topic is Technology, and Tagxedo creates tons of synonyms of the word Technology, and forms the words into different objects and shapes. I definitely recommend this website and it is very easy and useful for brainstorming.

QR code

A QR code, also known as a Quick Response code, is very useful. Lots of people use these in stores, businesses, and more. It's almost like a bar code, you scan it with an app on your smart phone or download it and it will take you to that website. The website is easy to use as well, and it takes you through the steps to make a QR code.