Picture of me

Picture of me

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Wordle: John Summerlin
Wordle is a fun, easy website to put different words surrounding a topic. You can use this if you need to show some sort of presentation. You just put a bunch of different words relating to your topic and then you can rearrange the words, change the color, and change many other features if you wish.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Google forms is a great tool to use for creating a survey. If you want to make a survey, I highly recommend using this to make a survey. It has all the components needed to make one, and I really like it and think everyone should use it.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Bubbl is a great website to use. If you are ever starting to write a paper, and can't think of a brainstorming tool or organizing tool to use, use Bubbl! Its a free, easy way to organize your topic and subtopics and thoughts. If you have never used it before, you just need to create an account, and you're free from there! You can start by typing your topic with the main bubble, and branch out from there. You can also change the color, size of the bubble, and text size while creating your organizer.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Symbaloo is a very useful tool. You can save your favorite websites onto tiles in your files you can make, and go straight from there! If you're not the best typer, you don't even have to type the website in on the bar up top. You can just go to Symbaloo! You can also add wallpapers to your background, and in the settings you can change any website to your default website when you open up the internet. I highly recommend it because its a very simple, user-friendly website.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Prezi is a very useful tool, it is basically like Microsoft PowerPoint, but has a different layout and design to it. I liked some things about it but at times it was difficult to use. I had a hard time moving things around and finding how I can make the text how I want it (Also because I'm bad with computers). It is useful also because if you don't have a PC computer and you want to use something like PowerPoint, you can just go on the internet and use Prezi as an alternative, which is very similar to PowerPoint. It can be confusing at first but you will get used to it pretty quick. It also saves automatically which is very helpful.