Picture of me

Picture of me

Monday, January 13, 2014


Prezi is a very useful tool, it is basically like Microsoft PowerPoint, but has a different layout and design to it. I liked some things about it but at times it was difficult to use. I had a hard time moving things around and finding how I can make the text how I want it (Also because I'm bad with computers). It is useful also because if you don't have a PC computer and you want to use something like PowerPoint, you can just go on the internet and use Prezi as an alternative, which is very similar to PowerPoint. It can be confusing at first but you will get used to it pretty quick. It also saves automatically which is very helpful.


  1. Why do you prefer North Carolina State over North Carolina?

    1. Because i hate North Carolina and they cheat

  2. I like your prezi John. I lived in Kansas since I was four and I also like doing stuff with friends. Are you good at ping pong?

  3. I'm the oldest in my family too! I liked your Prezi John.

  4. Nice Prezi john. I also have two siblings. what is your brothers name

  5. Hey John, I like your prezi. We both like to play sports. I also have a brother, but I am the youngest. I also like to play ping pong and basketball and steal the ball.
