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Monday, March 31, 2014

Emerging Technology

Brain-computer Interfaces
The ability to control a computer using only the power of the mind is closer than one might think. Brain-computer interfaces, where computers can read and interpret signals directly from the brain, have already achieved clinical success in allowing quadriplegics, those suffering “locked-in syndrome” or people who have had a stroke to move their own wheelchairs or even drink coffee from a cup by controlling the action of a robotic arm with their brain waves. In addition, direct brain implants have helped restore partial vision to people who have lost their sight.
Some strengths of this device are for people who are disabled, and may have trouble and struggle with using computers manually with their hands. With this device, people who are disabled can put the device on their head and the computer can interpret their brain and do tasks on the computer for them. A weakness is the price for these devices being very expensive, some families may not be able to afford this device for the person who needs this or if they are single and on their own, maybe they can’t afford it with their budget. Also, something could go wrong with it and not work anymore, and you can’t get your full return and/or money back.

Opportunities for this device could be focused on people with disabilities, and using your computer hands-free. It could be a huge opportunity for persons with robot arms or prosthetic arms and for people who are mentally disabled, this device helps them so much with things they have to get done online or on the computer. Threats for this device are mainly related to safety issues. If any mechanical problem comes up, it could affect the person using the device. Research projects from scientists have worked on manipulating or directly implanting memories from a computer into the brain.  In humans, the ability to directly manipulate memories might have an application in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, while in the longer term; information may be uploaded into human brains in the manner of a computer file. While this could be an opportunity or strength to society, it also could create numerous possible ethical issues.

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