Picture of me

Picture of me

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stat World

StatWorld is a statistics website where you can pick a global topic and make a ranking out of specific countries you choose. I learned some interesting things about countries around the world. I did the highest point of elevation, and I did not know that the United States is one of the highest elevated countries. Stat World is a very interesting, easy to use website the I recommend.


Bomomo is a website we used to create a paint picture just creatively. I really liked it because the tools were really cool to use and you can create some really cool paintings. If you like painting random pictures, I would definitely recommend it. It;s not hard to use, and Bomomo makes it really fun!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Piktochart Infographics

Piktochart or Piktogram is a great website for creating Infographics. An Infographic is information in a picture. We made them about our global issues topic, and it was a really easy way to make them. The only thing i didn't like was embedding it to our blog, we couldn't do that. So we saved it as a picture and then posted it on our blogs.

Friday, April 25, 2014


I've learned some great things while taking this class. I've learned how to use some websites that I was unfamiliar with and that those websites are very useful for important things whether it's an assignment, your job, or anything else. I learned how to embed certain projects or assignments to my blog or any other website you use. I also learned how to use Photoshop and some cool tricks and tips for it. Another thing I wish I could learn is some of the other Microsoft tools.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Pixton is a comic website to create comics. We used this website to create a neat comic with a minimum of 9 panels. I liked this website, it was easy to use and good for creating your comic whether you are a beginner or have experience. I did not like the complication of signing up and embedding, but overall it was fun to make a comic.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Voki is a website to create Cartoon characters with. I enjoyed making a character and changing the features. You can change the background, you can give your character a voice, and change the color of your character. I really recommend it because it's a very fun website.


Tagxedo is basically another website similar to wordle. It's like a brainstorming cloud that you put words into for an overall topic. For example my topic is Technology, and Tagxedo creates tons of synonyms of the word Technology, and forms the words into different objects and shapes. I definitely recommend this website and it is very easy and useful for brainstorming.

QR code

A QR code, also known as a Quick Response code, is very useful. Lots of people use these in stores, businesses, and more. It's almost like a bar code, you scan it with an app on your smart phone or download it and it will take you to that website. The website is easy to use as well, and it takes you through the steps to make a QR code.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Emerging Technology

Brain-computer Interfaces
The ability to control a computer using only the power of the mind is closer than one might think. Brain-computer interfaces, where computers can read and interpret signals directly from the brain, have already achieved clinical success in allowing quadriplegics, those suffering “locked-in syndrome” or people who have had a stroke to move their own wheelchairs or even drink coffee from a cup by controlling the action of a robotic arm with their brain waves. In addition, direct brain implants have helped restore partial vision to people who have lost their sight.
Some strengths of this device are for people who are disabled, and may have trouble and struggle with using computers manually with their hands. With this device, people who are disabled can put the device on their head and the computer can interpret their brain and do tasks on the computer for them. A weakness is the price for these devices being very expensive, some families may not be able to afford this device for the person who needs this or if they are single and on their own, maybe they can’t afford it with their budget. Also, something could go wrong with it and not work anymore, and you can’t get your full return and/or money back.

Opportunities for this device could be focused on people with disabilities, and using your computer hands-free. It could be a huge opportunity for persons with robot arms or prosthetic arms and for people who are mentally disabled, this device helps them so much with things they have to get done online or on the computer. Threats for this device are mainly related to safety issues. If any mechanical problem comes up, it could affect the person using the device. Research projects from scientists have worked on manipulating or directly implanting memories from a computer into the brain.  In humans, the ability to directly manipulate memories might have an application in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, while in the longer term; information may be uploaded into human brains in the manner of a computer file. While this could be an opportunity or strength to society, it also could create numerous possible ethical issues.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


TimeToast is a timeline website that we used on our global issues topic. I liked some things about it, but some of the parts were difficult to use. I recommend it though for people that need a website to use to make a timeline.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Quizlet Flashcards

Quizlet is a great way to study for all your quizzes and tests. You not only have to use flashcards, you can also take tests and play different games with your vocab set that you either create or use from someone else! I highly recommend it for anyone that needs to study for their test or quiz.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Web 2.0 tool


WriteComics  is a very easy comic creator. It may be a little confusing at first, but it becomes easy very shortly. It leads you through the steps to make your comic! I recommend it for anyone making a comic. The only thing I didn't like was it is difficult to embed, which I couldn't do. Other than that, it's a very fun comic to create and make!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Picture Editing Collage

Pic Monkey, Fotor, Pixlr, BeFunky, GetPaint, FotoFlexer, are some of the many websites you can use on the web to edit your favorite photos. I think all of the ones I just chose for my edits are good to use and I recommend all of them. Pic Monkey was my favorite because the edits were really easy to choose and put on all my pictures. GetPaint was my least favorite because it was pretty confusing to find everything.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Zooburst is a great website to use to create little children's stories. It's easy, fun, and simple to use if you are needing to make a story wrote for a little kid. I really recommend it for parents, or anyone who wants to make a little kid story and if you need to make a fast, quick one.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Animoto is a great website to use to create a simple video. You can add pictures, text, music, and even other videos all in one video! I think its great to use in business presentations or other things you may need to make a video for. I really recommend it if you are looking for a free, no cost, video maker.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Survey Essay

Teens and Technology
After analyzing my results from my survey, I saw some very interesting responses. Teens and Technology in my opinion is a very important topic and is becoming a way bigger part of people’s lives than it should be. You probably just see it in everyday life, teenagers always being on their cell phone rather than having a conversation with someone. Even if they are with their buddies, sometimes you see them on electronics. I’m not saying don’t use electronics at all, because I use them quite often as well, but we need to limit ourselves with these devices and balance it with other activities in our daily life. Here are some interesting things I found in my survey.

Ten out of my twelve responses said that the electronic they use the most is their cell phone. That doesn't surprise me but it’s a great example that we love our cell phones. Also, 6 people said that they spend 2-4 hours per day on electronics. In my opinion like I said, that’s not surprise, but I think we should limit ourselves maybe to 1-2 hours a day. In my survey, almost every person said they balance it out pretty well with other things going on which is great. 11 out of 12 respondents said they know someone that uses their electronics exceedingly. Overall in conclusion, some people use their electronics appropriately and some don’t, I hope that we can all strive to use them appropriately.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Wordle: John Summerlin
Wordle is a fun, easy website to put different words surrounding a topic. You can use this if you need to show some sort of presentation. You just put a bunch of different words relating to your topic and then you can rearrange the words, change the color, and change many other features if you wish.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Google forms is a great tool to use for creating a survey. If you want to make a survey, I highly recommend using this to make a survey. It has all the components needed to make one, and I really like it and think everyone should use it.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Bubbl is a great website to use. If you are ever starting to write a paper, and can't think of a brainstorming tool or organizing tool to use, use Bubbl! Its a free, easy way to organize your topic and subtopics and thoughts. If you have never used it before, you just need to create an account, and you're free from there! You can start by typing your topic with the main bubble, and branch out from there. You can also change the color, size of the bubble, and text size while creating your organizer.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Symbaloo is a very useful tool. You can save your favorite websites onto tiles in your files you can make, and go straight from there! If you're not the best typer, you don't even have to type the website in on the bar up top. You can just go to Symbaloo! You can also add wallpapers to your background, and in the settings you can change any website to your default website when you open up the internet. I highly recommend it because its a very simple, user-friendly website.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Prezi is a very useful tool, it is basically like Microsoft PowerPoint, but has a different layout and design to it. I liked some things about it but at times it was difficult to use. I had a hard time moving things around and finding how I can make the text how I want it (Also because I'm bad with computers). It is useful also because if you don't have a PC computer and you want to use something like PowerPoint, you can just go on the internet and use Prezi as an alternative, which is very similar to PowerPoint. It can be confusing at first but you will get used to it pretty quick. It also saves automatically which is very helpful.